Saturday, July 23, 2011

NARS artist stations

Here's some eye candy. How much would I love to have the laptop above, full of blush and eyeshadow?

Or the lucite caddies below crammed full with lip pencils, lipsticks, and foundation?

And there's also this cup'o'gloss.

Hope you're having great weekends! I'm working on a post that has more than five sentences. Also spent time chopping, cooking, stewing, and singing out loud to the Backstreet Boys. Remember them?

Love, Dovey.


  1. AnonymousJuly 23, 2011

    nars porn

  2. AnonymousJuly 23, 2011

    Great photos! This is NARS heaven! I really enjoy using all of the NARS products I own, so I'm hoping to buy a few more items; especially the eye shadows.

  3. NARS Cupcake - LOL

    StealMyHeartLove- I use mine so much too... and I could always use a few more products as well =P

    JC- My thoughts exactly.

  4. I would KILL to have all of those blushes! Great pictures :)

  5. very drool-worthy. Just increases my NARS lust!

  6. Excuse my while I pick my jaw up off the floor! That's incredible! (Are you going to see Backstreet Boys in concert?)

  7. Lilladylife - =P
    Sidney - Thanks!
    Jamilla - I know, not healthy for me.
    Kelly- Nah, not in concert. Just plain ol CDs for me

  8. I love these kinds of posts! Now, you are making me want NARS! Dang-it!!! xoxox


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