Saturday, January 17, 2015

New Year's Resolutions - 2015

In the shade of a silvery palm... (Balboa Park // San Diego)
          Happy 2015! I hope that so far, the New Year has found you full of hopes and dreams! I just got back from a whirlwind trip to San Diego; there's something so magical about warm California weather...I imagine I soaked up more sunshine in one day, than I have all winter in Chicago! More than anything, I'd wanted to see a California sunset, and thankfully the one evening I was there I made it to La Jolla beach just in time. I can't express how phenomenal it was to stand in the cool Pacific surf, soaking in the fiery colors of sun and sea. I made a stop at Balboa Park (see above photo) early the next morning, and was able to enjoy the architecture and gardens before the museum crowds rolled in. I have a long-standing love for wild cacti and succulents and went a bit nuts with phone photos... (not to mention, everything photographs so much more vividly in the California sun!) If interested, you can check out highlights from my trips on my Instagram.

          After that much needed recharge, I've realized it's high time that I tackle my New Year's resolutions. I love hitting that restart button in January, with opportunity for self reflection and betterment. Every year, I have general concepts in mind, but it requires pen and paper (or in this case Wi-Fi and a MacBook) to make things official! So without further ado, here's what I have planned for 2015!

1. Become a healthy Whole Foods nut
I'm already quite the Whole Foods nut. I love the environmentally friendly and body friendly ideas behind organic ingredients. As a very allergic / ingredient sensitive person, it definitely makes a difference when I eat organic. That said, the past year, I spent way too many meals subsisting on cookies, thanks to a busy schedule. Despite being baked from scratch, they're not really a sustainable option. I'm hoping to explore more varied, healthier options this year!

2. Have an Instagram friendly apartment
The past few years organization has really fallen by the wayside, to a point that it affects my sense of well-being. Part of its that I have too many things, part is due to a very busy schedule. This year, I'm hoping to move in a positive direction, day by day. Seeing so many creative and organized spaces on Instagram has really inspired me to make this a goal for 2015!

3. Stay active, on the wall and off
Last year, I resolved to climb better. I did manage to climb a couple 5.11a's, as per my resolution, however I don't really consider myself to be generally fit. This year I'll use climbing as inspiration again, however my goal is to stay active on a more regular basis. I'll be incorporating yoga (which I've enjoyed for quite some time), as well as more physical workouts to improve strength (hello barely used Jillian Michaels DVD!) I've picked some cute new workout gear, as well as a new pink yoga mat and pink weights to this end...

4. Diversify my blog content
It seems that I've been at this blogging thing for quite some time now, perhaps I'm somewhat of a dinosaur. Call me old fashioned, but I still find that community, personality, and genuine conversation are the highlights of blogging; they're something worth preserving in the current more corporate driven environment. I'd like to build on these aspects and continue to mold Cute and Mundane into a more personal place, with more tidbits from my everyday life and travels!

5. Love what I have
Over the years, I've gone through emotional ups and downs when it comes to beauty. Sometimes I'm eager to experiment and add new beauty to my collection, other times I've felt a sense of guilt at the number of products in my stash. However, at this point in time, I'd like to take on a more positive, attitude to the situation. I'd like to to think of my stash not as a burden, but as an opportunity to choose from a carefully curated collection of things I love. Likewise, instead of focusing on getting rid of things, I'd like to focus on using and enjoying them!

            Thanks for reading - and accompanying me on this journey,whether it's been for the past few days or past few years! Wishing you the best in 2015!

Love, Dovey.


  1. Happy New Year! I wish you a great 2015 too.

  2. Some good goals! I'm definitely with you on #5. I'm truly embracing my stash and haven't been lured by new makeup in so long.

  3. A very belated happy New Year to you Dovey! Great resolutions! I also made organizing my home one of my goals this year. I am in the process of reducing my makeup stash but still allow myself to buy new things from time to time as long as I stick to the "one in, one out" rule. :)


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